Translated from the original by Chris Tsilikas

One of the most frequently-asked questions devoted Christians address to us is that concerning the Judgement of non-Christians after death. In other words, they ask us if it is possible for non-Christians to be saved or if it is only the Christians who are finally saved.
For this reason, we’ll try to give some “clues” as answers to that question, always based on the texts of the Holy Bible. And we say “clues” because our human weakness and insignificance do not allow us to interpret God’s will. Because He is the one who is in charge of judging all of us and He has his own criteria which are far from the human criteria.
First and foremost, we should remind to all of you that our Christ revealed His Father as the Father of all people. Since God is our Father then, his interest is in saving all His children, Christians and non-Christians. And this is made explicit in several texts in both the Old and the New Testament....
For this reason, we’ll try to give some “clues” as answers to that question, always based on the texts of the Holy Bible. And we say “clues” because our human weakness and insignificance do not allow us to interpret God’s will. Because He is the one who is in charge of judging all of us and He has his own criteria which are far from the human criteria.
First and foremost, we should remind to all of you that our Christ revealed His Father as the Father of all people. Since God is our Father then, his interest is in saving all His children, Christians and non-Christians. And this is made explicit in several texts in both the Old and the New Testament....