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Friday, 27 December 2013

Birth of Christ; Son is born in Israel, it is a cause of joy!

Translated from the original by Costas Balomenos

n a few days we will celebrate the birth of Christ. A birth, which was the reason to be happy the people, where - finally - is opened again the way for meeting of people with God, which was closed by the sin of Adam.
But we must not forget that for our salvation, Christ chose to be born as a man in the country of Israel. So it is worth at this point to ask ourselves. What it meant to the Israelites the birth of a child, and what manners and customs were following this birth, which were applied to the infant Jesus?
In a Jewish family when a child is born, it was a great pleasure for parents, but also for their relatives and family friends. The village or the neighborhood was learning immediately the joyful event and knew that soon - according to the old custom they would call their relatives, friends and neighbors to have fun...

Sunday, 24 November 2013

The daily life in Israel in the time of Christ, based on the testimonies of the New Testament

Translated from the original by Costas Balomenos

n Israel, the inhabitants were mainly engaged in agricultural work, in animal husbandry and fishing, those who lived on the coast. The working hours were not specific and defined and often the needs imposed a hard and continuous work throughout the daytime and sometimes at night. In this case is characteristic the response of Peter to Jesus when he motivates them to throw their nets to catch fishes: «Master, we have labored all night without anything to catch ...» Luke 5:5. The shepherds because of the heatwave that prevailed on the day were touring their flocks in the grassland during the evening hours when it had cooled...

Sunday, 11 August 2013


Translated from the original by Costas Balomenos

he New Testament contains texts of the Agreement that Christ did with all people, for their exemption from evil and death. This collection of texts became with the passage of time a closed list of 27 books that in the theological language is called "norm". And these 27 books of the New Testament were written in the "international" language of that era, which was no other than the ancient Greek. Only a collection of words of Christ, known as "Words", which formed the original core of Matthew's Gospel, written originally in Aramaic - a dialect of Syrian language - as we are informed by the tradition of our Church and in particular from Papias , bishop of Hierapolis. But then were translated in Greek and incorporated in the Gospel of Matthew: “On Matthew tells them: while although then Matthew drew up words in the Hebrew dialect, they interpreted him as anyone could be”, Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History III 39, 16. Indeed, the modern Greeks feel shocked when they think that God chose as utensil” of enunciation of speech, his Greek language, evolution of which is the Greek language who speaks today. But this must not see racist and elitist, for the simple reason that - instead he was born in Greece - could have been born in another country...

Monday, 22 July 2013

The "infallibility" of the Pope: What is it, and when was enacted

Translated from the original by Costas Balomenos

Pope Pius I, who adopted the infallible

he bishop of Rome, known today as Pope (= father) always enjoyed special appreciation to the Church because he was bishop of the capital of the Roman Empire, but also because - according to tradition - there martyred the two top apostles, Peter and Paul. Indeed, was destined to acquire of great importance and value, since it was the sole support for the residents of the West, when the barbarian tribes of the Vandals, in 476 AD, catalyzed the Western Roman Empire, spreading the terror and panic...

Monday, 17 June 2013


Translated from the original by Costas Balomenos

 anyone bears in his mind the narratives of the gospels which describing the triumphal entry of Christ into Jerusalem and almost his delirious reception from the enthusiastic crowd, and the subsequent derisory and humiliating course to the painful death of the Cross, it is reasonable to put the big question: The negative attitude of the Jewish ruling class and especially of his omnipotent priesthood was also the attitude of whole the people? In simple words, all compatriots of Jesus knew his divine mission, the new message of love that brought to the enemy, by proclaiming himself as the Messiah, in short, they was able to distinguish what it was that who made ​​him a controversial point?

Tuesday, 21 May 2013


Translated from the original by Costas Balomenos

he religions, not only the oldest but also the newer, we separate them in polytheistic and monotheistic, i.e. to those who accept the existence of many gods and to those who accept the existence one God. Apart from the above distinction, the religions are divided - regardless if they are polytheistic or monotheistic - in those who they owe their existence to a founder and in those that there were traditionally without having been founded by someone. We will deal with religions that have a founder. We would mention the founders of religions, not in turn of their appearance, but in alphabetical order to assist the readers.