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Monday 26 January 2015


Translated from the original by Costas Balomenos

he word "Christ" is a translation of the Aramaic word MESHICHA, which also is derived from the Hebrew word MASHIACH, which in the Hellenistic years hellenized in Messiah. In the New Testament, the Greek word Μεσσίας (Messiah) is encountered twice and even is accompanied with the translation Christ”: «First, he finds his brother Simon and tells him, We have found the Messiah, which translated means Christ»  John 1:41 and «He saith to him the woman “I know that will come the Messiah, the so-called Christ”» John 4:25.
The Greek word χριστός(christos) is produced from the verb χρίω(chrio), meaning anoint and was formed by the verbal adjectives ending in τος(-tos), of the Greek language. As an adjective, the word christos is found in the ancient Greek poets of tragedy. Apart from tragedians poets, we meet this and in the Septuagint” (O), who - as we know - they translated the Old Testament from Hebrew into Greek...

Friday 9 January 2015

The pre-Christian religion of the Slavs

Translated from the original by Costas Balomenos

The God Dabog of the Slavs

he beliefs and rituals of Slavic peoples namely of Bulgarians, Serbs, Croats, Czechs, Poles and Russians are difficult to describe, due to the limited number of their sources. However, what is common in these is the word "Bong" which means the God and by linguistic aspect is related to the Indian word Baghavata” (Lord), quite literally meaning “scrumptious” and was attributed to Vishnu and Krishna, Gods of Hinduism.
Some information about the religion of the Slavs gives us the Byzantine historian Procopius (500-565 AD). Among other things he writes the following: «Because they consider one God, this of lightning as creator and master of all and they sacrifice to him oxen and all sanctuaries ... they respect and the rivers and the nymphs and other such demons, and they sacrifice to all these, and they are making these sacrifices in divination» (Procopii opera,  J. Haury. Bellum Gothicum, III 14, Lipsiae 1906, p. 357 – 358)...