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Sunday, 23 October 2016

What they were thinking about the stars and demons, in the years of Jesus

Translated from the original by Costas Balomenos

everal times the Gospel recounts us Jesus to heal people who were under the possession of evil spirits. Christ imparted this privilege and this ability to his disciples when he sent them two by two to preach. Of course, apart from the daemonical there were and others with various mental illnesses, but that was something foreign to the Jews and also to all ancient peoples. For this reason, moreover, they believed that they too belonged to the category of those who were possessed by evil spirits...

Wednesday, 5 October 2016


Translated from the original by Costas Balomenos

Father Paisius, who “canonized” by the Eastern Church

n the first Christian community, as we know mainly from the letters of the Apostle Paul, all who were baptized in the name of Holy Trinity were called "saints," not because they were righteous, but because they were baptized, i.e. is because they belonged to this particular new community (church) and were members of the body of Christ: "I send my greetings to the saints of the Church of Corinth", "I send my greetings to the saints of the Ephesian Church". So everybody was holy. Holiness, therefore, is potentially present, and simultaneously has a dynamic...

Friday, 22 April 2016

The Russian Church under the Communist regime

Translated from the original by Costas Balomenos

As is well known, Karl Marx, the "father" of Communism, said the famous phrase that "the religion is the opium of the people", that is used by the ruling class to lulls the masses and keeps them pauperized. It is therefore the debt of Communists, when they will be able and they will seize power, to eliminate this "opium", releasing the people, to lead him to happiness that will be held through Communism...

Saturday, 27 February 2016

Simon Bar-Kokhba : The Messiah of the Jews

Translated from the original by Costas Balomenos

The relief of Bar – Kokhba adorns Knesset (Jewish Parliement)

For entire centuries the Jews were nurtured in the idea that they are the chosen one people of God, to whom God will send his divine Messiah, to redeem him from evil and death and so begin a new era for them, but also for all humanity.
And indeed, when God decided, he sent his Messiah in the person of Christ Jesus, which the Jews not only did not recognized and did not accepted, but they proceeded much more, exterminating him by death on the cross, a crime for which the Jewish authorities pioneered...

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Why the Roman State did not accept Christianity as a rightful religion (RELIGIO LICITA)?

Translated from the original by Costas Balomenos

Contrary to Antiochus IV Epiphanes, who with the help of Jewish apostates has tried in 167 BC to introduce the Greek pagan religion, by placing the statue of Zeus in the temple of Jerusalem and to force the Jews to the observance of Greek customs, leading to the outbreak of the revolution of Maccabees, the Romans - when captured Judea - not only respected the unique monotheistic religion of the ancient world, but also the rules of everyday life of the Jews, arising from this...